Ry Eikleberry Approaches A Milestone
Jockey Ry Eikleberry‘s professional riding career began in 2005, at the age of 16, at Araphoe Park in suburban Denver. His first victory came that summer with his eighth mount on July 8 aboard Chopins Crescendo, trained by his father Kevin Eikleberry, who owned the gelding along with former NBA player and coach Dan Issel. […]
It’s Almost Canada…
Ike Green had every intention of racing in Canada this summer, and with very good reason. “I’m engaged to a Canadian girl there, and she wanted me at Assiniboia Downs,” he explained. So, there he was on a May day at the Canadian border and being denied entry to our neighbor to the North. Seems that […]
Pace Makes the Race?
I know it’s not a flashy grade one or a Triple Crown race, but the fifth event on Saturday’s Canterbury card is one that caught my attention with the cast assembled – and I think all betting prospects should be live despite the field’s size. Most of the field hails from the Southwest, making their […]