Riggs Chases Riding Title

Tanner Riggs left the track late Friday night after a busy, productive evening. He had mounts in seven races and won five of them. Not bad for this 23-year-old kid who had five consecutive winners on a card in June. Two five-baggers in the same meet, at the place he considers his home track. You […]
The 2012 Race Meet: First Half Review
It’s hard to believe but we’re nearly one half of the way through the meet (tomorrow will mark the 30th day of racing of a meet which will now consist of 61 racing days). So far this summer, speed and favorites have done quite well. Here’s an overview: The Track Bias Early speed continues to […]
11,000+ Enjoy Rescheduled July 4th Festivities
Who was your favorite winner over the weekend: Serena Williams, the Bulls at Pamplona, Oscar the wiener dog, Lori Keith, Soonerette, Huckleberry Mojito or the hot dog champ? They all deserve a tip of the cap, but Soonerette and Huckleberry Mojito (pictured above) were truly the stars of Saturday’s card in Shakopee. There were 11,337 […]
Scott Stevens – The Iron Man
Early March in Phoenix was more like late April some years. A number of desert plants were already close to blooming, but nowhere was life any more vibrant on this particular morning than the stable area at Turf Paradise. A visitor was getting a tour of the barn area from jockey Scott Stevens when the […]
Beating the Heat
Shortly before the fourth race on Friday, someone draped a wet blanket over Shakopee. The 85 degree temperature had been tolerable earlier with humidity levels close to 30. All of that changed as humidity levels climbed 15 points and the air suddenly stopped moving. How do you stay cool on a night like this someone asked […]
Certainty and a New Perspective
Atmosphere, environment, ambience, milieu… whatever your choice of words to describe it, the air is definitely lighter these days, and nights, at Canterbury Park. It has everything to do with the certainty of a job down the road and a paycheck to go with it. Ask any trainer on the grounds and the response is almost […]
12,120 Enjoy Father’s Day Stakes
As the second choice at 7-2, it was difficult to call this horse a sleeper. But that’s exactly what he is, anytime you visit him in the barn. Ask his owners, Al and Bill Ulwelling, Canterbury Park’s champion owners the last two seasons. “This horse sleeps all the time, but I guess that’s good,” said […]
Week 4 in Review (Stats & Trends)
Congratulations to jockey Tanner Riggs for winning the first five races on Friday night! The “all Tanner” early Pick 4 returned $105.50 for a dollar wager. Tanner is currently leading the jockey standings and is a great addition to the jockey colony this year. The Pick 4 continues to be an excellent value play. This […]
It Most Certainly Is Tanner Time
Sitting tall in the saddle takes on more than a single meaning when the subject matter is Tanner Riggs. Granted, Riggs is tall, very tall for a jockey. Granted, his demeanor and behavior alone might warrant the description. His probity and bearing are of professional standards at all times. And, granted, right now there is no […]
Jack Kaenel’s Improbable Ride
The movie reel in his mind began rolling with the first strains of Maryland My Maryland Saturday afternoon, reeling off the events of that special occasion in vivid technicolor. Jack Kaenel was on the mezzanine of the grandstand at Canterbury Park watching the 137th running of the Preakness Stakes on the 30th anniversary of his stirring, […]