Canchari Wins 5
Jockey races are often of more interest to the people who keep statistics and record the data on such things at racetracks. Riders, for their part, are more interested in staying healthy and collecting a healthy paycheck. But not entirely… The competitive side of any rider is apt to show when a title is on […]
Ulwellings Mount Final Charge
Canterbury Park’s leading owners, referred to as Champion Owners in the official lexicon of the racetrack, were Al and Bill Ulwelling in 2010 and in 2011. There was an interloper last year by the name of Ruben Martinez, but with time running down in the 2013 meet, the Ulwellings are fully a part of the […]
Sunday Racing Musings
Once the obligations of winning such a race were attended to, once the handshakes, backslaps, hugs and nods of congratulation had been received, the interviews conducted and the rush of adrenaline subsided, there was time for family, close friends and the owners of the horse. Yes, there are duties concomitant with riding the winning horses […]
Paychecks Being Decided by Inches… and Photos
It’s a game of inches (and photo finishes) this summer for the riders in Shakopee where increased purses have expanded the jockey colony and spread out available horses. Sunday, for instance, there was a different rider in the winner’s circle after each race. Competition is the name of the game, for mounts of any kind […]
Canterbury Gets a Snow Day
Not even stalwarts who have been on the grounds from the beginning could remember another such occasion. Canterbury Park got a snow day on Friday. School was closed. Not even local trainers decided to budge from home and get a jump on the competition. They preferred not to wind up dealing with three inches of muck […]