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BY JIM WELLS Anne Von Rosen was on the phone from Fulda, Germany, north of Frankfort, where she was visiting for her mother’s birthday. Earlier in the day she had gone for an hour-long horseback ride. “I rode without holding on today,” she said. Without holding on. Von Rosen was paralyzed in an accident as […]

Anne Von Rosen visits Turf Paradise – Delta Downs Jackpot Saturday

Anne Von Rosen Greets Fans And Friends At Turf Paradise As She Recovers From Injuries  from Anne von Rosen’s road to recovery is looking much better more than eight months after a spill that originally left her paralyzed below the waist. The Turf Paradise jockey was seriously hurt in March when a horse she […]

Leg Up Fund

Fans place a certain amount of faith and trust in the riders aboard the horses they wager on each racing day at Canterbury Park. In a reversal of that expectation, it is the riders who believe that fans will participate any way they can in the Leg Up Fund that is being established today at […]

Anne Von Rosen begins rehabilitation in Denver

There is a branch of the John C. Lincoln Hospital chain located on Dunlap Avenue in a residential section of Phoenix. Just a couple of blocks down the street are well manicured and attended properties devoted to llamas and horses, properties grandfathered into this section of the city. On this particular Saturday morning neighborhood children […]

Update on Anne Von Rosen

Jockey Anne Von Rosen underwent seven hours of surgery on Thursday as doctors continued to treat her following a riding accident on Tuesday at Turf Paradise in Phoenix. Doctors reportedly were pleased with the surgery and hopeful that it will restore Von Rosen’s ability to sit upright. They are not as hopeful at restoring Von […]

Anne Von Rosen Injured at Turf Paradise

A somber mood enveloped the backside at Turf Paradise in Phoenix on Wednesday morning. Despite bright, sunny skies and a warm, pleasant atmosphere, grief permeated the conversations of riders, agents and horsemen. The racing community there was coming to grips with one of the cruel realities of their sport. One of their own had been […]