Is Canterbury Park the snowiest place in the Twin Cities? Snocross a go Jan. 12-13

While Mother Nature has not provided Twin Cities’ snow-sport enthusiasts with much more than a dusting of snow, Canterbury Park will nonetheless host the 16th AMSOIL Championship Snocross Friday and Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13 thanks to multiple snow-making machines churning out massive piles of race-perfect snow using 2.5 million gallons of well water. The […]

Kody Kamm: Snocross Champ Returning to Canterbury Park

Kody Kamm returns to Canterbury Park in January for championship Snocross.

“I’ve just always been competitive.” Those are the words of Kody Kamm, a professional snowmobile racer who will take to the track at Canterbury Park in early January for AMSOIL Championship Snocross. Kamm, 23, started racing dirt bikes as a 5-year-old. “And being from Wisconsin, it’s pretty snowy in wintertime, so I started on snowmobiles,” […]

Qs, Snocross, Moncrief (not Sidney) and more

2015 Quarter Horse Stakes Schedule Canterbury Park officials released the 2015 Quarter Horse stakes race schedule this week, highlighted by the 28th running of the Mystic Lake Northlands Futurity July 5. Total purse money for the 13 stakes races is estimated to surpass $500,000, making it the richest Quarter Horse stakes season in the Shakopee, […]