Canterbury Park Announces Return of Industry Low 10% Takeout on Post Time Pick 4 and Pick 5
All-Turf Pick 3 with 14% takeout added to Wednesday wagering menu Canterbury Park will again offer a 10 percent takeout $.50 Pick 4 wager that will begin with the first race each day as well as a 10 percent takeout $.50 Pick 5 on the final five thoroughbred races daily. The takeout rate on both […]
Industry Low Takeout on Early Pick 4 and Late Pick 5 Designed to Attract and Reward Horse Players
Wednesday, May 18 – Opening Night – First Post 5 p.m. central The Facts: 10% Takeout on ‘Post Time Pick 4’, which begins in the first race each day, is the lowest in the industry. 10% Takeout on Pick 5, which includes the final five thoroughbred races daily, is the lowest in the […]
Industry-Low 10% Takeout On Pick 5 and Pick 6 at Canterbury Park
Wagers offered daily during 65-day meet that begins May 18 Canterbury Park officials announced today that the Shakopee, Minn. racetrack’s industry-low 10 percent takeout rate on the $.50 Pick 5 wager will return for the 2021 racing season and that a $1 Pick 6 wager, also with an industry-low 10 percent takeout, will be offered […]