Canterbury Park on Feb. 10 will host a comprehensive poker class for beginners, Poker U.
Jacob “Chopper” Vail, a poker supervisor at Canterbury Park, will teach the course. We asked him what people can expect.
What is Poker U?
Poker U is a fun, inexpensive and informative way for beginner or novice poker players to transition out of the bar leagues and home games and into the professionally run, friendly games of Canterbury Park.
Who is Poker U geared toward?
Poker U is designed with YOU in mind. Whether you have never played before, you’re a home game hero, a bar league regular, or a novice Canterbury guest, there should be ample content to make everyone feel comfortable and confident to play live casino poker immediately.
What make you an expert on poker?
By NO means am I an expert. Poker is a constantly evolving, very organic game, with an endless pursuit to perfection. I have, however, been a very passionate (and meagerly profitable) player for almost 15 years. I have worked in the gaming industry for 13 years and at Canterbury Park over seven years, and I feel that I have enough knowledge to ensure our guests play a solid game, while enjoying their experience.
How does the fee work?

The $50 enrollment includes the seminar, lunch (pizza, soda, coffee, water), and $40 of live play afterward.
With the live play afterwards, like any cash game, you can leave at any time. If you want to play a couple of hands, then go with what remains of your $40, you’re welcome to do so. If you want to take the whole $40 and head out, you’re welcome to do that.
If you want to make an afternoon of playing 2/4 Limit Hold’em, we will prepare you well for success!
Will participants get to play that day?
Absolutely! What would a day at the Canterbury Card Club be without joining in on the FUN!?
Anything else you’d like to add?
Call up a friend and make a group event out of Poker University February 10th!