Marcus Higgins – Minnesota HBPA Groom of the Week

Each week, the Minnesota Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Agency, the organization that represents trainers, grooms and owners, honors a groom in a winner’s circle presentation.

A major principle in the stable area is that horsepeople help horsepeople. Nowhere is this better evidenced than at the Ron Westerman barn.

Early in the meet Ron had to undergo knee surgery. The surgery made it all but impossible for him to do his normal work. That’s when Marcus Higgins stepped up. And he did so in a big way.

Marcus took on all the duties and work of the Westerman barn, getting to the track early every morning and never leaving until every last item was attended to. According to Ron, not only is Marcus a great worker, but he also has a friendly, upbeat attitude that makes him a pleasure to work with.

For all of this, Marcus Higgins is the Minnesota HBPA Groom of the Week! He will be honored in a winner’s circle presentation following race one on Wednesday.