Canterbury Park is now offering Deuce to Seven Triple Draw.

Canterbury Park Now Offers Deuce to Seven Triple Draw

How to play:

Canterbury Park is now offering Deuce to Seven Triple Draw in both our 10-20 and 40-80 mixed games.

We introduced Deuce to Seven Triple Draw based on the demand of some of our 40-80 mixed game players. Including a drawing game adds a fun element to our mixed games, said Jacob “Chopper” Vail, poker supervisor at Canterbury Park.

The object of Deuce to Seven Triple Draw, a six player max game, is to make the worst possible poker hand (straights and flushes count against you). Aces are always high. The best possible hand is 2-3-4-5-7, hence the name.

Here’s how it works.

After the small and big blinds are placed, each player is dealt five cards face down.

The player to the left of the big blind kicks off the action, just like in Hold’em. Each player in turn has the option to call, raise or fold.

After the first round of betting, the remaining players can draw zero to five cards.

Once players get their new cards, there is another round of betting, starting to the left of the dealer button.

After that action is complete, the remaining players can for the second time draw zero to five cards. Then there’s another betting round.

After that, there’s a third and final opportunity to draw, and a last round of betting.

The lowest poker hand wins.

We’re dealing poker, blackjack and more 24-7 in our Casino.