How About An Open Discussion?

If you have not read Tuesday’s Star Tribune Business section you missed Neal St. Anthony’s column on the need to have a serious discussion about slot machines at Canterbury Park.

Regardless of which side you fall on, it is about time to at least discuss it. A representative government ideally should look at both sides before a decision is made. That has been far from the case. Ask yourself why, answer the question, and then get involved.

If you havent contacted your legislator you can do so HERE.

IN other news…. Joe Anderson, former CBY media relations director, is now, according to a Strib blog, ‘ former Dan Barriero sidekick’ after another series of cuts at Clear Channel. Joe already has a business in the works and other opportunities on the horizon. We wish Joe the best. Meanwhile, if you need your hardwood floor buffed and shined contact Buff & Coat Hardwood Floor Renewal of St. Paul.