Canterbury Park racing officials announced today an industry-low 10 percent takeout rate on the Pick 5 wager. The pari-mutuel wager, offered each race day on the final five thoroughbred races, requires the participant to select in order the winners of those five consecutive races, placing the bet before the first race in the series begins. The base wager will be 50 cents and on June 10 will begin with the fourth race.
Track officials, intending to begin an amended 52-day season June 10, took entries for the nine-race program this morning. The eight thoroughbred races, all on the main track, and one Minnesota-bred quarter horse race drew a total of 86 horses. The 9.56 horse-per-race average exceeds the 7.31 season average in 2019.
The season will be conducted primarily on a Monday through Thursday schedule with a 4:30 p.m. (CDT) first post.